
Active filters

  • Availability: Not available clear
  • Brand: Afinia clear
Filter polyester Afinia NDC Mobile
Filter polyester Afinia NDC Mobile 
The Afinia NDC Mobile Dust Collector is based on a filter that ensures that the sediment formed during nail plate styling remains inside the absorber .
According to reports, it is estimated that a beautician inhales about 4 kg of harmful dust annually.
The particles settle not only on the skin, but also in the lungs, which is a real health hazard.
In addition, an analysis of the dust generated when sanding nails even showed the presence of microbes !
   ◉ For use with the Afinia NDC Mobile dust absorber ONLY   ◉ Filter dimensions: 198 x 203 x 28 mm (length x width x height)   ◉ The filter should be replaced every 3 months